Mlxplore project construction



Mlxplore projects for model exploration describe several elements in addition to the model itself. These include the administrations and treatments, the parameter values, the variables of interest for the graphics, and optionally some options for the graphics. These elements are defined in a text file, which is compiled to generate the graphics. Most of the model exploration can then be done in the GUI, via sliders and settings.

To define the Mlxplore project file, the user is recommended to start from demo projects included in the Mlxplore demos folder, which can be easily edited for custom user needs. Alternatively Mlxplore projects can also be created via an export from Monolix.

Overview of the project file architecture


The project file is structured in sections (<SECTION>) and subsections ([SUBSECTION]), which are detailed below:

  • section <MODEL> (mandatory): this section defines the model, including its structural and statistical elements. Most of the time, the model is defined in a separate file, and the Mlxplore project file only provides the path to it, e.g file='path/model.txt'. In the model file, the model is defined via the subsections [LONGITUDINAL] (mandatory), [INDIVIDUAL] (optional) and [COVARIATE] (optional), as detailed in the mlxtran documentation. A detailed description of the three mandatory sections is given here.
  • section <DESIGN> (optional): in this section, the amount, target/type and time schedule of the administrations are defined in the [ADMINISTRATION] subsection. Treatments (i.e combinations of administrations) can be defined in the [TREATMENT] subsection. More details about the definition of administrations and treatments are given here.
  • section <PARAMETER> (mandatory): in this section the parameter values used as reference values for the simulations are defined. The parameters defined in the input={...} lines of the [LONGITUDINAL], [INDIVIDUAL] and/or [COVARIATE] model subsections must be set (if not  defined by another model subsection). A detailed description of the three mandatory sections is given here.
  • section <OUTPUT> (mandatory): in this section, the variables to display (e.g list={Cc,Ce}) and the time points at which the model will be simulated (e.g grid=0:0.05:10) are defined. A detailed description of the three mandatory sections is given here.
  • section <RESULTS> (optional): in this section, in the subsection [GRAPHICS], the graphics to display can be pre-defined, while full options are available via the GUI. More details about the definition of the graphics are given here.
  • section <SETTINGS> (optional): in this section, in the subsection [GRAPHICS], the settings for the simulations (such as the number of simulations for the iiv) can be defined. More details about the definition of the settings are given here.